3 Ways to Take a Timeout
"The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
{Exodus 33:14 NIV}
I may have been one of only a handful of children in the entirety of mankind's history that loved being put in timeout. I didn't get them often, but I referred to it as my "Imagination Time". I'd sit by myself and sing songs and make up stories, thoroughly enjoying my alone time. It's funny that things we saw as punishment as children we now miss and welcome as adults, (uhhh, hello nap time!) Read below for three simple five minute options to take a timeout during your busy day.
1. Meditate
There is definitely something to be said about intentionally quieting the mind to de-stress and give yourself an opportunity to restart your thinking and emotions. You can't always control the stress or emotions that come throughout your day, but you can choose to not allow them to steal your joy or your peace. Your meditation doesn't have to be long or complicated. It can be done at your desk or out in your garden. Close your eyes and free your mind from any thoughts. Breathe deeply and intentionally, allowing each inhalation to fill your mind, body and spirit with feelings of peace and calm.
You can repeat a mantra silently or out loud to yourself to help readjust your mindset. I like to rephrase short, encouraging scriptures for my meditation time. For example, Isaiah 26:3 (NIV) which states, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." I make it personal by rephrasing it to say, "You keep me in perfect peace because I trust in You." Find scriptures or encouraging phrases that resonate with you and your current situation, or just focus on achieving the silence and calm of a mind free from any thoughts.
Sea Captain Embroidery Kit by CozyBlue on Etsy, buy it here
2. Get Creative
You don't have to believe you're artistic take a timeout to create. It can be as simple as a little doodle on a scrap piece of paper or as elaborate as trying a new recipe or building a piece of furniture (you probably won't get that done in one five-minute sitting, but you can in five-minute sessions over time!) As a single mom and business owner with an outside part-time job, I feel like so much of my day and energy is spent on things that I have to do; spending even five minutes creating something I want to do does a lot for letting me not feel like a prisoner to my schedule. I've recently taken up the very old fashioned hobby of embroidery. Etsy has some really great kits available with everything you need to complete the design. I'm currently doing the adorable Sea Captain one pictured above created by CozyBlue (link in photo caption.)
3. Get Physical
According to an article published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health:
"Aerobic exercises, including jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening, and dancing, have been proved to reduce anxiety and depression."
Taking five minutes to get your body moving is an amazing way to take a timeout. (Added bonus if it's outside in nature...) Obviously yoga is my favorite (I may be a little biased!), but putting on your favorite jam and shakin it like a Polaroid picture does wonders for your mood! In my personal experience, the cheesier the song, the better your mood is improved. I'm not a fan of a lot of cuss words in songs, so all my songs are the edited versions...Check out some of my current faves that I love to "shake it off" to:
"Til the Day I Die" by TobyMac
"Work" by Rihanna feat. Drake
"Oye Como Va" by Santana
"Cut It" by O.T. Genasis
"Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor
"Best Day of My Life" by American Authors
"I'm Alive (Life Sounds Like)" by Micheal Franti & Spearhead
"Stand" by REM
"Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses
"Tonight Tonight" by Hot Chelle Ray
"Wake Me Up" by Wham!
"You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive
"I Like to Move It (Radio Mix)" by Madagascar Theme Players
"Twisty Turvy" by Eugene "Xeawn Cross" Ward/Dragon House Studios
"Not Forgotten" by Israel & New Breed
I hope after reading this you give yourself permission to take a grownup timeout. You've earned it, you deserve it, and you need it. You're no good to anyone else unless you take the time to take care of yourself as well. The world can spare you for five minutes while you recharge. And if all else fails, naptime is always an option. =)
© Cazoshay Marie. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cazoshay Marie with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
*This information is not meant to treat, cure or diagnose any medical conditions. This post is not meant to substitute the advice of a medical professional, always seek professional advice before beginning any program, regimen or recipe*