Down, but not Defeated

"I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]."
Philippians 4:13 AMPC

I debated how and when, if at all, to post about this. But as you know, my most fervent passion in life is to help others achieve holistic health and wellness (mind, body, spirit,) and I hope to inspire others through this traumatic experience. On the evening of May 19th, after attending an event at the Phoenix Science Museum with a friend, I was struck by a car while in the crosswalk on the way to my car. The driver struck me at 48mph, I was thrown 15 feet in the air and 100 feet forward. I sustained several injuries, but I am praising God that there could have been a very different outcome. I am on the road to recovery, and appreciate the prayers and support of my family, friends, network and acquaintances as this trauma transforms into my testimony and another tool to help and inspire others. Please know that every second you're alive is a chance to turn your life around and nothing is impossible with God. Pursue your passions and your heart's desires as if your very life depends upon it. Spread love, light and kindness wherever you can and realize that many of the negative things that crop up are not worth reacting or holding on to. Please continue to keep me and my family in your prayers.

Note: This post previously said that I was struck at 45mph which is what I thought I was told immediately afterwards while in the hospital after being hit. However, after my family spoke with the officer who spoke with both the driver and witnesses at the scene, it was determined that the driver was actually traveling 48mph.


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