Looking Forward to the Future, part 1


Due to the accident, I'm not able to teach yoga or do my wellness events or make videos. Being transparent, that has been extremely difficult for me. But, I'm using this time for planning to help with the discouragement. I get excited when I think of how God is reassuring me that no matter how bad this time period is, a day will come that I will be able to continue my path as a wellness professional.

It's definitely hard at times to keep the faith, but I know God is healing me and that I'll be able to use this experience to help and encourage others to achieve their healing as well. What are you looking forward to about your future?

Don't give up, it's just over the horizon!

P.S. I love these bright, beautiful  kumquats that I shot three years ago in Alaska. They're like little pieces of sunshine!





Update: Art+Life


31 Quotes for Inspiration