Yoga, Events Cazoshay Marie Yoga, Events Cazoshay Marie

Benefits of Yoga for Men at the Arizona Men's Health+Wellness Expo


#DIDyouKnow that many of your favorite sports teams and athletes do yoga? From Ray Lewis (football) and LeBron James (basketball) to Evan Longoria (baseball) and the New Zealand All Blacks (rugby), more and more men are realizing the benefits of this diverse practice. From military deployments to the boardroom, more and more men are taking to heart (literally!) the advantages yoga can provide.

This weekend I had the privilege of being a part of the Arizona Men's Health+Wellness Expo where I got to share about the benefits of yoga for men and did a little chair yoga at the breakout session in addition to demo'ing my Community Hip Hop Yoga. Check out some pics from the event below as well as some information on the benefits of yoga for men. Want more details? Leave a comment below with your questions or ask them on my Instagram post about the Expo ( And don't forget to check out the events page to see what's coming up!

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