Early September Update

@cazoshay_marie Here are some tips for how I adapted being able to go to the movies with a #traumaticbraininjury. Living with #invisibledisability isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to take you out completely! #traumaticbraininjuryawareness #tbisurvivor #sensoryissues #ptsd #sensorysensitivity #braininjury #braininjuryawareness #braininjurysurvivor ♬ Thunder - Imagine Dragons

I never really know how much personal stuff I should share here on the blog. Do people just want the recipes and DIYs and don’t really want to hear about my journey with the accident and living with chronic pain and invisible disability? I feel like I’m doing everyone, including myself, a disservice if I don’t share about those things, especially since they still affect my daily life so much. One of the most frustrating things about my situation is that I have so many ideas! There are so many things that I have in the queue for you guys as far as recipes and projects go, but as you can see, I’m not able to actually get things posted on here as frequently as I’d like to, and that is because of my current physical state.

It is frustrating to say the least. I recently had a medical procedure that did not go as planned that left me literally bedridden in excruciating pain for over two weeks. I was unable to drive, cook, clean or really do much of anything to care for myself due to the overwhelming pain, and I’m still not really back to where I was before the procedure.

If I’m being totally honest, it can really be hard to keep the faith at times. I have doctors who I do believe are trying their best to help me. But I have been dealing with these issues since 2017, when I was struck by a car at 48mph while crossing the street after an event I attended with a friend at the Phoenix Science Center. As difficult as it can be, hope and faith are my only options, because giving up just isn’t something I’m prepared to do. I have a sixteen year old son who has been by my side throughout this entire ordeal, as well as friends, family members and even strangers who I want to know that even though you get knocked down, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.

I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel useless sometimes, a shell of my former self. Before the accident I was a wellness professional teaching yoga and meditation classes, cooking classes, training for the San Francisco Giants Half Marathon, the list goes on. Now, some days I struggle to even get out of bed due to chronic pain, migraines, vestibular issues and complications from the traumatic brain injury and concussion as a result of the accident.

As a part of my healing journey, I became involved with the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona and other organizations. I began doing speaking engagements and events sharing my experience of living with a traumatic brain injury and invisible disabilities. My son has also had an opportunity to share his parallel experience of healing right along side me as he was affected by what I was going through as well. I’ve spoken to occupational therapy students, at conferences and have been interviewed for podcasts and magazines. While I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy, (I actually don’t have any enemies so that phrase isn’t really relevant lol) I am so glad that God has allowed me to use this experience to help and inspire others.

Photo by Paul Markow

If I could leave you with one thing today, it’s that not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, but you don’t have to wait to be out of the tunnel to find joy and peace right where you’re at now. It might not be easy, but it is possible. I’m living proof of that and I hope and pray that you’re able to find the hope in your own situation, whatever you may be going though.

Keep growing and glowing, friends!

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©Cazoshay Marie, 2022. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cazoshay Marie with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

D.I.D. with Cazoshay and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on this blog is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program.


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